Sample Translations & How We Do It
How good are our translations? Answer: pretty good. Click to enlarge the samples. We have many, many other examples. Ask us, and we'll show you more. Or contact for quality help that will save you time and effort in searching for a source base.
How good is pretty good? Judge for yourself.
Here's what we do not do: our books are not translated line by line by a professional translator. It's antiquated and unaffordable (going rate is $0.10 – 0.14 per word, you do the math). We're in the business of publishing thousands of translations, for totally free. We're giving foreign authors an English voice, in America, at our expense. To succeed, for their sake and our own, we have to be smart.
Here's what we do do: Step 1 - technology: break-through translation software creates, with the speed of lightning, a very rough and incomplete first English draft. Step 2 - people: a translation editor then spends numerous hours on polishing the translated text, line by line, word by word. Step 3 - craftmanship: when he/she's done, the translation lands on the desk of a next-level editor who goes through the book yet another time and adds a shine to the polish. That's it. That's what we do, with stunning results. See the samples, ask for more
Presently we have over 100 translation editors on our payroll. We're recruiting more each day.
A word of caution. When you do what we do, you accept that there's always room for improvement. Our translations are pretty good, pretty darn good even, but not infallible. Once again, see the samples and compare. There are imperfections there.
Sometimes a quirky foreign expression is not recognized and translated too literally. Or a foreign word has more than one meaning, and the one less fitting is used. A street name is inadvertently translated, or the source text has a circuitous syntax, and our translation untangles it inexactly. Nothing that can't be fixed after the fact.
Therefore we generally allow authors to suggest changes, and generally we'll implement them all. And if we can't make the author happy, well, we take the translation off the market, give it back to the author and wish them good luck.
We accept this risk because we have a long experience with American readers. They don't Monday-morning-quarterback a book. They don't know its original language. They want to read a good and solid story. That's what we guarantee: a good story in English, just about as good as the original. Or better than the original. Because English articulates like no other language.
We don't seek to serve the world's bestselling authors. They can take care of themselves handsomely. Our audience are the authors who until now never had an opportunity to see their book translated into English and published in the United States. We aim to serve them well, and we do it for free.